You can subscribe to our videos in three different ways. If you would like to discuss which option suits your needs best, please get in touch.

Videos are available as either All Videos or as groups of videos. You can see the groups of videos here.

embed icon

Embed codes – annual subscription

Access to our embed codes which allow you to embed videos on, for example, web pages, intranets and within elearning. When you see a YouTube video, it’s been embedded.


Number of employees < 50 < 250 < 3000
All (current and future) £199 £324 £449
Compliance and Mandatory £149 £249 £339
Personal Development £149 £249 £339
Information Security £149 £249 £339
Financial Services £149 £249 £339
Effective Meetings £99 £159 £219

Over 3,000 employees, add 10% extra per thousand employees.

How to subscribe

The first thing to do is to check the domain you want to put the videos on.

Add the domain that you want to test below. Only use the top level domain.

In the example below you would only use:

Now embed this code where you intend to use the videos to make sure it’s the right domain/address.

Copy to Clipboard

Once you’ve embedded the video, you should see the Success! video.

If you see the ‘Sorry’ message, you can try another domain name, ask your IT department for the ‘domain referrer’, or send us an email

sorry video cannot display

Next fill out the order form below, and we’ll get all the videos ready to play on your site.

    Your company

    Company name*

    Company address*

    Your details

    Your name*

    Your email*

    Contact number*

    Please add details of an alternative contact in case we need to get in touch and you aren't available.
    Alternative contact*

    Your order

    How many employees are there in your organisation?*

    If more than 3000, please say how many.

    Which web address(es) will you be using? For example, the website or intranet address. *

    Have you tested this address? *

    Which videos would you like? *

    How would you like to pay? *

    If you have any special requirements or questions, please use this space.

    direct link icon

    How to subscribe

    Choose which videos you would like below, and select the number of ‘seats’ (users) you would like to purchase. When the purchase is complete, you’ll receive a login which will give to access to the administration panel.

    How it works

    Once the team leader/administrator logs in, they have access to a link which they can then send out. The recipients gain access to the videos by logging in with their email address.

    Number of seats 50 100 200
    All (current and future) £99 £199 £399
    Information Security £74 £149 £299
    Compliance and Mandatory £74 £149 £299
    Personal Development £74 £149 £299
    Financial Services £74 £149 £299
    Effective Meetings £49 £159 £199

    Select the option you want below to place your order

    Go back to the top.

    trainer icon

    Trainer/Presenter – annual subscription

    Designed for trainers and presenters who want to use videos as part of their face-to-face sessions.

    You can see a demonstration of how the videos will appear here.

    All Videos (current and future) £69

    Video Groups

    You can either subscribe to all the videos (including any future ones) or groups of videos as listed below. You can watch all these videos on our Showreel page.

    Some videos appear in more than one group.